Tassos' personal site

ORIGIN : HELLAS  (GREECE)                      Welcome on board

Only English version available currently                

Last update Jan 2006


                                                   MY NEW BILINGUAL SITE WILL BE UP SOON !

Contact  :

Home  | Technology I | Design ideas | Mobile stuff | Environment | Alternative Medicine | Favorite Links | Exchanging Items
Objective of site :

To share my viewpoints / knowledge with you

If this site could give lights to some people it would have fullfilled its existence !


Ελληνικοß χαρακτÞρες δεν υποστηρßζονται






This site currently comprises the following sections :

Technology, Environmental issues, Alternative medicine and others


If you're aware of electronics, either as a professional or as a hobbyist  

you may find hints & tips about

  • Repair or troubleshoot electronic devices
  • Design some really smart circuits



If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.

Protect your home, think local act global !

Alternative medicine

Another approach to common health problems




This site is by no means a guide. It just expresses personal viewpoints and experience.